Well we arrived in Greece today!
and this donkey proves it! Cause you can only find donkey's in Greece YEAH! (isn't he cute though??)

Europe is not fond of signs pointing anything out, at least not obvious signs. We were waiting for a bus at the Greece airport after having been up since 3am and we left the bus stop for about 2 seconds and it came and left early. So a cab driver came by and said he would take all six of us in his cab for 13 euros per person and he took us on an hour long ride to our hotel. When we got here, we all got settled and then walked to the "supermarket" which is just a teeny store with a little bit of everything in it. We bought food for lunch and dinner and some snacks. I think I found Amanda's bland crackers but I can't remember the name of them so I don't know for sure... After getting back from the supermarket, we went to our rooms, got a snack, and while Emma and I were eating, a stray cat (Europe has about a million of them) came to our porch and wouldn't leave! And then we went to the pool for about an hour and a half. When we got back another cat came INTO our room. They just won't leave us alone! Anyways, there isn't a ton to do around here without walking quite a ways. I have no idea what we are going to do tonight but hopefully it won't include more cats!
So last night was interesting and yes, it did indeed involve more cats trying to get into our room. We just chilled around the hotel but there wasn't really a ton to do, so Emma and I just walked over to the other girls' room and hung out there for a bit and came back and talked for a while, played cards, and tried to sleep. It didn't work so well so we talked more about a ton of random stuff. Oh the things you talk about when you are tired... I had some really weird dreams and then I woke up with 'Flying High Again' by Ozzy Osborne stuck in my head, and it won't get out! I am so excited for today because we are going to find a beach and stay there hopefully all day. I got sunburned yesterday but not too bad, it was just uncomfortable, but today it will probably be worse.
I am actually getting excited to get back to Spain because I just miss being able to communicate with people and having a place that is close to being "home" in a way. I mean I love the traveling but I am a little sick of planes and trying to figure everything else out and spending money on food, transportation, hostels, and stuff like that. It is really stressful for me and I feel like I am going to run out but I am pretty sure that I won't. Anyway, on this vacation I have definitely gotten more homesick, especially in Rome because all of the history stuff reminded me of Dad, Andrea, and Amanda. If I ever have any questions on vacations about history, they would always answer them (after an "are you kidding me?" look). I had so many questions in Rome but they weren't there! Let's hope I remember them when I get home! It was kind of sad. Anyways hopefully today will be amazing! Hopefully.
Oh mylanta. I have the WORST sunburn ever right now. Look at that defined line of sunburn! I know you guys are jealous!
Today we went to the beach in Lindos and there are some awesome ancient ruins there and the beach is beautiful! But we got there at about 1:15ish and were there until about 4:15 just laying on the beach relaxing/sleeping. It was so amazing except the European women who decided to walk around topless and lay on their chairs topless. Gross. It made taking pictures very difficult! I did manage to get a couple of good ones!
Lindos and the Acropolis at the very top:
Anywho, I have a super bad sunburn from laying in the sun for 3 hours without sunscreen, because I couldn't take mine with since I only had a carry-on bag. Plus, I didn't think to use any except for on my scars. I have no idea what I was thinking. After laying on the beach, we all got really hungry and decided to get Gyros. We found this cute little whole in the wall place with Gyros for only 2.50 euros and they were so delicious!
I think I found my new favorite food. They even put french fries in them!Ah, I was in culinary heaven... okay that's a bit of an over-exaggeration but they were so good! I really hope I get one tomorrow, but there is this Chinese place here and I have been craving Chinese food for the past month so maybe that. Anyways, after the Gyros we walked up the mountain and looked in some shops and stuff and made our way to the Acropolis which was closed but there were some amazingly gorgeous views of the sunset over Lindos, between two mountains. It was so beautiful!
Then we made our way back to the hotel and on the way we got some Baklava and that was so good!I have never had it before but it was delicious! Now we are all in our rooms just kind of chillin' for the night. Hopefully my sunburn won't keep me awake!
So I woke up this morning and my face was, and still is, super swollen because of the sunburn. Only one of my eyes opens all the way, it's actually kind of funny looking. I can't open my left eye all the way and yesterday I found these weird bumps on my right cheek and this morning I realized that they were blisters from the sunburn. Fun right?
I am getting really excited to get back to Spain on Monday! The deal is that our plane gets to Madrid at 11:30pm and that is exactly when the last bus to Segovia is, so we have to sleep in the airport again and atch an early bus to Segovia so we can get there before my 9am class. It should be interesting! I'm really hoping to hang out by the pool for a bit today but probably not too long because I don't want to get too much more sunburned. Also, there is this place farther in town that has the "natural pedicure" whee there are 150 fish in a tank and it's supposed to be like a massage and to get the dead skin off of your feet. I am really curious as to what that feels like and everyone thought that it looked interesting so maybe we will go. It's only 5 euros so it's not expensive either.
Well, so far today we got up, chilled at the pool waiting for the others to come out but they had already left on a walk or something and we were getting hungry. So we went back to the room and I took a nap after eating breakfast. When I woke up, I ate a banana and I headed for the "supermarket" to get a sandwich for lunch and one for dinner and then met up with Emma, Anna, and Allison at the beach. It was so beautiful out! There were fluffy cotton ball clouds, sun in the sky, and a great view of mountains and the sea! So relaxing!
At one point, there was rain from a cloud that was not there. Like there was literally no cloud near us and it started to rain while it was completely sunny. It was so confusing! After a while on the beach I could feel myself burning even more and we came back to our rooms to relax before going into town later tonight. I hope it's super fun! Nap time!
After my wonderful nap today, I ate dinner and then we went over to Shanna, Brianna, Anna, and Allison's room. We basically talked about everything from self-defense to childhood and swapped stories from our childhoods and stuff. It was so much fun because we all got to know each other so much better! I am so happy that I came on this trip to Italy and Greece, but it definitely made me more homesick. I just miss having somewhere to relax and just hang out and not worry about offending someone and being self-sufficient. I am really excited o get back to Spain to have some sense of "normal" but I am counting down the weeks until I get home to the States and get to see my family again. I only have 7 weeks left in Spain so I am almost exactly halfway through the trip! It is so weird to think that it has already been 7 weeks. Studying abroad has definitely been a great experience and I have already learned so much from living in Spain, but I am about ready to seep in my own bed or cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and watch a movie... Anyway, tomorrow we leave for Madrid and we seep in the airport that night and leave on an early bus in the morning for Segovia and then directly to class. It's going to be a busy couple of days! Let's pray everything goes smoothly!